Inclusion, diversity and equality has been the ethos of the Green Party for many years, fighting for rights, healthcare, housing, marriage and so much more.
We want the party to be inclusive through the very heart. So we’re launching our LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Workshops for local and regional parties.
These workshops will reach out to party officers and members from regional and local party officials to grassroots activists, as well as from committed members to less involved members.
For us to see more members understanding LGBTIQA+ issues, we need to provide this in the party.

We hope these workshops will allow people to:
- learn about the LGBTIQA+ Greens,
- understand the difference between sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity,
- develop understanding of active allyship,
- show local and regional parties how they can work towards creating an inclusive environment
Also, we hope these workshops will allow for open discussion and for any questions to be answered.
Get involved!
We will be asking local and regional parties for a financial contribution to be decided by the participating party, so that we have the time and resources to carry out the workshops.
Interested local and regional parties, please email, and we’ll get back to you!
How you can help:
For us to achieve this, we need your help. We’re fundraising for an inclusive workshop fund so our workshop trainers can visit each local and regional party (online), for their time to be able to provide these workshops.
Please donate and help towards seeing every local and regional party, every member and activist learn about inclusion and be the inclusive party we can be. Donate!