On Sunday 7th February 2021, The Daily Mail launched a transphobic attack on Kathryn Bristow, the democratically elected co-chair of Green Party Women, as well as towards the LGBTIQA+ Greens.
Sunday’s attack on Kathryn Bristow was heartbreaking to read. We take this opportunity to show our public support for and solidarity with Kathryn, as well as all other trans and non-binary individuals affected by naked bigotry of this kind. Unfortunately, events like these are all too common The Daily Mail and other UK media titles must stop their fixation with trans people and their lives. They must seriously look at their institutionalised culture of transphobia, bigotry, and hate, and start to fully appreciate how their actions fuel hate crime and harassment.
Whilst the disgusting attacks on trans people continue, we stand firm in our stance and will always support LGBTIQA+ rights and individuals. We are not afraid of these attacks, but we know many of our members are fearful of their safety. Articles like the one by The Mail on Sunday contribute to a backdrop of hateful transphobic rhetoric that endangers our community. LGBTIQA+ Greens will always be a safe space and inclusive of trans people. We stand in solidarity with our trans siblings.
The Green Party of England and Wales’ policy is inclusive of all LGBTIQA+ individuals, including trans individuals. This policy has existed since Spring 2015:
RR530 The Green Party recognises that there are many gender identities that are within, and outside of, the traditional gender binary of man and woman. The Green Party recognises that trans men are men, trans women are women, and that non-binary identities exist and are valid. We shall respect transgender and non-binary people’s identities as real. The Green Party shall include, and push for further acceptance of, transgender and non-binary people within all areas of society.
Although slightly outdated, the principle of the policy remains: Gender exists within and outside of the gender binary, trans people exist, and The Green Party shall push for greater acceptance of trans and non-binary people. So, it’s time for the party to tangibly demonstrate their commitment to doing that and ensure the whole party is a safe space for trans people. Trans and women’s rights can co-exist, without the need for transphobia. There is no conflict between the two, other than a false one, rooted in misinformation and lies, created by a so-called “gender critical” lobby and their enablers. Their views, which seek to strip away the rights of trans people, do not have a place in an inclusive and intersectional party such as ours.
Thank you to Sian Berry, who has stated and shown her support today. It is time for our party, and all parties, to get serious about trans rights. The values of social and environmental justice that lie at the heart of The Green Party cannot be achieved without trans liberation, and this is a necessity.