
LGBTIQA+ Greens Logo - Proud of Our Diversity See our events Join our mailing list Donate now

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Inclusion workshops Spring Conference 2023 Ban conversion therapy Green Policies shown against the (lack of) Labour and Tory polcies for equality and trans rights Green Policies shown against the (lack of) Labour and Tory polcies for equality and trans rights

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LGBTIQA+ Green Party

We are the Green Party of England & Wales’ liberation group for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex, queer, and asexual/ aromantic people, also known as the LGBTIQA+ Greens. Our liberation group is formed by and for LGBTIQA+ Green Party members and allies.

Discrimination remains in many areas of life such as housing, education, employment and health and LGBTIQA+ Greens campaign for a fairer and more just society.

We aim to increase awareness and understanding of LGBTIQA+ issues within the Green Party, progressive movements and society as a whole. We also aim to increase awareness and understanding of Green and progressive values among LGBTIQA+ people.

LGBTIQA+ Greens aim to build a more sustainable and just society where everyone is valued, respected and empowered regardless of their sexuality, gender identity or intersex status.

See what we’re campaigning on Image showing LGBTIQA+ Green Party members at Pride

We are the only party dedicated to fighting for our environment and ensuring we live in a fair and just society

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