Your New LGBTIQA+ Greens Committee

Profile pictures of the new LGBTIQA+ Greens committee
Group graphic of all the new LGBTIQA+ Green committee members, who are listed further down the page with their roles.
Your new LGBTIQA+ Greens committee

Voting is now closed and the results are in. But before we introduce you to your new committee, we have some thanks to give.

Firstly, thank you to all members who stood for committee this year. There was a really strong field to choose from and we hope candidates that weren’t elected will continue to be involved as volunteers. We cannot stress enough how much LGBTIQA+ Greens are a very flat and inclusive structure; Our volunteers are just as important and valued as our committee.

We’d also like to thank all our members for voting and engaging with this process. It’s important our elected committee has a strong mandate, so that LGBTIQA+ Greens can continue to be a strong voice both within and outside of the Party.

And last but certainly not least, we must thank our outgoing committee. You have been excellent and we appreciate everything you have done for LGBTIQA+ Greens.

And so with that said, here is your new committee:


Ash Routh

Ria Patel


Peter Price and Daniel Laycock (Job Share)


Ashe Knox

Member Representatives

Kathryn Bristow

Tom Nadarzynski

Joe Lever

Charlie Button

Kacey Henry

Congratulations to all those elected. We look forward to seeing what will be achieved next!