LGBT in Britain Health Report

LGBTIQA+ people still facing disadvantage and poor mental health

The LGBT in Britain Health Report published by Stonewall on 5th November 2018 contains some disturbing and upsetting information on the health experience of LGBT people in the UK. Stonewall commissioned this research to investigate the impact of discrimination on the health of LGBT people.

In the last year half of LGBT people have experienced depression, three in five have suffered from anxiety. Twelve per cent of trans people have attempted suicide, compared to two per cent of cisgender LGB people. The proportion of people suffering mental health problems is much greater than in the general population. Rates are even higher among those who are young, Black, Asian or minority ethnic, disabled or from a socio-economically deprived background, revealing the impact of discrimination on health in addition to the stresses and strains experienced by the general population.

And yet, instances of discrimination, hostility and unfair treatment in healthcare services are still commonplace. This includes outing without consent, inappropriate curiosity and unequal treatment. Some have been pressured to access ‘conversion therapies’ to change their sexual orientation and gender identity. Fear of discrimination prevents one in seven LGBT people seeking healthcare and increases the stress of those that do.

Green Party policies on the rights any person is entitled to are aimed at erasing the routine discrimination and abuse experienced by many people in UK society today. This includes people of all sexual and romantic orientations, of all ethnic backgrounds and of all socio-economic statuses. The Green Party would ensure that every teacher is qualified and skilled to provide an LGBTIQA+ inclusive education which portrays different relationship statuses and styles as valid.

The Green Party recognises that there are many gender identities that are within, and outside of, the traditional gender binary of man and woman. Trans men are men, trans women are women, and that non-binary identities exist and are valid. We respect transgender and non-binary people’s identities as real. The Green Party shall include, and push for further acceptance of, transgender and non-binary people within all areas of society.

We welcome Stonewall’s recommendations for government and healthcare providers and urge them to swiftly implement these measures.

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