Election Regulations

LGBTIQA+ Greens Election Regulations

Effective from LGBTIQA+ Greens Convention & AGM 19th November 2022


The management group shall organise annual elections for all officer positions by
online ballot.


The electorate should be all full members of LGBTIQA+ Greens. Exceptions to this
will be affiliated regional groups who should define the electorate in their terms of


The time frame for all elections shall be:

• Nominations will be open for a minimum of two weeks.

• Voting will be open for a further two weeks.

• Results will be announced within one week of voting closing.


An electoral returning officer (ERO) will be appointed by the LGBTIQA+ Greens
management group to coordinate the election at least 14 days before an election is


The ERO will be responsible for drawing up standing orders for an online election –
drawing from guidance from the national party.


All officers of LGBTIQA+ Greens will be elected via STV with an option for Reopen
Nominations. They will serve one year.


Single Transferable Vote quota for election is calculated as follows: total valid vote
divided by one more than the number of seats up for election plus one (or rounded
up) to avoid ties: (TVV/(seats+1)) +1.


Only full members may stand for elected positions within LGBTIQA+ Greens.


In the event that at least one valid nomination has not been received each for
candidates who are women, POC, Trans or Disabled, then the nomination period will
be extended by no less than seven days.


In the co-chair election, if the candidate with the most votes is a cisgender man then
all other candidates who are cisgender men will be excluded from the vote and their
preferences reallocated


Full Members of the LGBTIQA+ Greens may put themselves forward as a job share
for any election, apart from where positions are separately elected, such as Co-Chairs
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