Code of Conduct

LGBTIQA+ Greens Code of Conduct

Effective from LGBTIQA+ Greens Convention & AGM 19th November 2022

We believe that the top priority in politics is inclusivity.

It is therefore essential that we
maintain an environment where all can feel safe to participate. While diversity of opinion and
discussion around issues are valued, this should never supersede the values of safety and
inclusivity. Thus, we are committed to providing an environment free of racism, sexism, ableism,
homophobia, transphobia, religious discrimination, or any other type of discrimination. We
will also not tolerate bullying, name calling or any form of abusive behaviour towards
members. Everyone has a responsibility to respect the feelings and sensibilities of others in the party
and behave in a way that does not cause offence. In some instances, individuals may be
genuinely unaware that their behaviour is causing offence. Still, it is the duty of each
individual to be sensitive to the impact their conduct may have on colleagues. Anyone who
believes a breach of this Code of Conduct is happening has a responsibility to report it to a
member of the LGBTIQA+ Greens management group. It is not appropriate to publish an
allegation to the wider membership before or during an investigation.


The LGBTIQA+ Greens are committed to providing an environment free of racism,
sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, religious discrimination, or any other type
of discrimination.


The LGBTIQA+ Greens are committed to centring marginalised voices in respect to
understanding different forms of oppressions and intersectionality, under the principle
of ‘nothing about us without us’.


The LGBTIQA+ Greens are committed to providing an environment free of bullying,
name-calling, or any form of abusive behaviour.


The LGBTIQA+ Greens are committed to challenging these types of oppression
whenever they occur in LGBTIQA+ Greens spaces.


The LGBTIQA+ Greens are committed to having a victim centred approach when
safe spaces are jeopardised.


Anyone who is considered to be jeopardising the safe spaces policy may be asked to
leave by members of the LGBTIQA+ Greens management group.


Safe Spaces


The LGBTIQA+ Greens ask that all members pay attention to their conduct and behaviour
when engaging in LGBTIQA+ Greens activity to ensure that it does not jeopardise the safe
space. All members are responsible for their own language and behaviour. Respect should
be given to each others’ physical and emotional boundaries. Members should be expected
to tolerate others’ norms and habits as long as they do not transgress other parts of the safe
space policy. Activities that create an oppressive environment depending on context may
include, but are not limited to:

• Sexual harassment

• Tone policing

• Using offensive language to refer to oppressed groups

• Mis-gendering an individual

• Making assumptions about an individual based on perceived characteristics

• Sharing potentially triggering articles online without content warnings

• Victim blaming

• Unsubstantiated accusations

• Making personal attacks

• Spreading falsities


At LGBTIQA+ Greens Events


LGBTIQA+ Greens should ensure that events are as accessible as possible.

If possible, this includes but is not restricted to: providing gender-neutral toilets, using
venues that are accessible to wheelchair users, ensuring members do not drink alcohol
during official business and providing a safe space room. When a safe space has been jeopardised LGBTIQA+ Greens ask that members challenge
these forms of oppression when they occur. Members should follow the principle of ‘respect
the person, challenge the behaviour’. If challenged on their behaviour, members should
apologise and reflect on their behaviour. Please only attempt this if you feel comfortable
doing so. If there is an issue which you are not comfortable dealing with, or if the oppression
continues, please notify a member of the management group by email. If members feel a violation of this policy has occurred, they can please make an LGBTIQA+
Greens management group member aware in the first instance. This can be done either in
person if at an event or by emailing them at Messages on Social Networks are usually not an appropriate method of reporting violations of this policy apart from when the conduct relates to the conduct of a moderated LGBTIQA+ Greens space,
then it may be reported on the same platform. In normal circumstances, the management
group member will seek to moderate the discussion and resolve the complaint through
normal complaints procedure. If the management group believes there to be a potential risk,
for example to a member, after consultation with at least 2 other management group officers
they can take immediate, appropriate action to reduce that risk.

This could include (without limitations):

• informal warnings and requests for an apology

• removal of an individual from all, or part, of an event, or group

• formal complaint to the Greens Party of England and Wales

• suspending membership until the LGBTQIA+ Complaints and Disputes Procedure is


LGBTIQA+ Complaints and Disputes Procedure



There will be a complaints manager, this will usually be the LGBTIQA+ Greens
Membership Officer, they will be the first point of contact for members who wish to
make a complaint. The complaints manager can be contacted at


If the complaints manager is known to be involved in the complaint then members
should contact one of the co-chairs of LGBTIQA+ Greens, or to another member of
the LGBTIQA+ Green management group if both of the co-chairs are also involved in
the complaint. In these cases, the person who is contacted should act as the
complaints manager, unless there is agreement from the person making the
complaint that this can be delegated to another member.


To make a complaint, a member should outline the reasons for the complaint, the
person who the complaint is regarding and any initial evidence they wish to provide.


A response to all initial complaints should be made to the initiator of the complaint
within 72 hours of receiving the complaint excluding public holidays, in which the
standard process is outlined to them. The initiator should also be asked if they wish
to be anonymous.


The complaints manager will form a Complaints and Disputes Committee (C&D)
which will be constituted of 5 LGBTIQA+ Greens full members who must not have
personal interests in the outcome of a case, or possess personal or professional
relations, amicable or otherwise, with those involved in a case. Any member of C&D
with such a conflict must recuse themselves and another member be substituted in.


C&D will hold a meeting within 10 days of the complaint being made, to determine if
the complaint is a dispute between members or if the member’s conduct may
constitute a breach of the LGBTIQA+ Greens Constitution or any other organisational
policies of the LGBTIQA+ Greens, including the Safe Space policy.


C&D should also consider any request for anonymity. With the initiator of the
complaint asked if they wish the complaint to proceed if the request is rejected or
when anonymity wouldn’t be practically possible.


Any complaints that are believed to be malicious, vexatious or unlawful by C&D will
be considered to be a serious matter and a breach of the principles outlined in the
Constitution as well as the GPEW Code of Conduct. C&D Committee may dismiss
such complaints and may action a disciplinary investigation, as well as notifying
relevant parties that the complaint has been made.


Where there are no breaches to investigate or C&D makes a ruling where none are
upheld. The dispute will be referred to the LGBTIQA+ Management Group who will
log the incident and may suggest an action plan to help both parties participate in
LGBTIQA+ Greens without conflict, this may include mediation within LGBTIQA+
Greens or the Green Party’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee where
agreed. Continuous issues may be refered back to C&D to be considered as a
pattern of behaviour.


Complaints may be referred to The Green Party’s Disputes and Complaints Referral
Group when the conduct is serious or the case is complex.


Where there are possible breaches, C&D will ask the for evidence from relevant
parties, with a victim centered approach where applicable.


The person accused of the breach will be made aware of the complaint and provided
details of the evidence gathered. They will be asked for any evidence or extenuating
circumstances that they wish to provide, giving 14 days to respond.


C&D may ask for any further evidence needed after this, with the person accused of
the breach having the final right of reply.


C&D Committee will consider the complaint and make a judgement, in writing, to all
parties. Judgements should include a ruling on whether there have been breaches of
the organisational policies of LGBTIQA+ Greens.


After a judgement, C&D committee will make a recommendation of action. In cases
where there is a need for disciplinary action the LGBTIQA+ Greens management
group will issue that decision. These disciplinary actions may include, but are not
limited to:

• Ban from LGBTIQA+ Greens Events/Spaces, for a period of up to 12 months

• Suspension of LGBTIQA+ Greens membership, for a period of up to 12
months • Censure from holding a position within the LGBTIQA+ Greens, for a period of
up to 12 months

• Permanent termination of membership


If an individual wishes to appeal a judgement made by C&D, they may do so by
communicating to the complaints manager. The grounds for an appeal are if new
evidence emerges, or if C&D broke procedure. The management group should look
over the evidence presented by the appealer and may make a ruling on whether the
appeals process should be initiated. In this case, appeals will be heard by a new
group formulated on the same basis as C&D, but excluding C&D members that made
the original judgement.


There should be clear minutes and records of actions kept of all C&D meetings.
These may be disclosed beyond C&D at the discretion of C&D Committee or the
LGBTIQA+ Greens Management Group, and the need for confidentiality and fair
treatment must be considered.
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