Management Group Terms of Reference

LGBTIQA+ Greens Management Group Terms of Reference

Effective from LGBTIQA+ Greens Convention & AGM 19th November 2022

The primary role of the Management Group is to provide overall coordination and strategic
direction for LGBTIQA+ Greens.

Its main functions are:

• to make strategy proposals as appropriate.

• to coordinate and ensure effective progression/implementation of all relevant strategy
initiatives from across the party.

• to review overall finance and budgets and determine priorities.

• to encourage work at grass roots level and ensure that campaigners are effectively
supported. • to oversee and ensure the effectiveness of activities in key areas of the LBGTIQA+
Greens work; e.g. membership support, communications (including publications),
policy, campaigns, and fundraising. • to act as a link between business meetings; reviewing previous business meeting,
and setting the initial agenda and chair selection for the next. • to act as a link between LGBTIQA+ Greens and the rest of The Green Party of
England & Wales. The Management Group will consist of the following roles elected on an annual basis all
which may be done as a job share apart from co-chairs which are separately elected:

• Two co-chairs, of which no more than one may be a cisgender man

• Treasurer

• Secretary

• Liberation Officer

• Digital Comms Officer

• External Comms/Press Officer

• Membership Officer

• Elections Officer

• Policy Officer

• Campaigns Officer

• International Office

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