Seb Cousins – External Communications Officer
Hey there, my name is Seb and I am the External Communications and Press Officer Officer on the LGBTIQA+ Greens Committee.
I help keep you and our members up to date via social media and articles on our website. If you want to join my social media team to promote queer Green politics, or want to express your thoughts through an article or blog, then email
I’m also a member of the Democracy and Accountability Committee in the Young Greens, where I help uphold democratic decisions and procedures.
Seb (they/them) is excited to have been co-opted as theĀ of External Communications Officer of the LGBTIQA+ Greens. They are looking forward to working more closely with the committee, our volunteers and other liberation groups in the fight for radical queer liberation.
They have also been the Trans Liberation Officer for the Young Greens and a member of the Peace & Defence Working Group in the Green Party. They are a teaching assistant at a college and hold an MA in History. They first joined the party in 2019, and became Digital Communications Officer for the Manchester Young Greens in 2020, serving until 2021. They were inspired to join after the climate strikes of the summer of 2019 and the appeal of Green solutions to climate and social injustice.
Outside of this, they spend their free time reading, learning, especially about trans and queer literature, and writing. As well, they hold a keen interest in British political history and in queer history. Seb hopes that the cause of liberation will be achieved, and won’t stop fighting with Green and Queer activists until all liberation is achieved, and with that liberation from Climate Crisis and from the crisis we call Capitalism.
Seb Cousins