Birmingham anti-LGBTIQA+ protests spread

What started as a localised protest at the Parkfield Community School in Birmingham has now snowballed into a nationwide anti-LGBTIQA+ education movement.

Initial protests centred around Andrew Moffat, the assistant headteacher at Parkfield and the school’s ‘No Outsiders’ programme. The programme was designed to promote equality and challenge homophobia and tranpshobia as part of the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), which is to be implemented nationwide in 2020.

Birmingham has featured heavily in regards to anti-LGBTQ visibility, with the Anderson Park Primary School, also embroiled in the furore. Roger Godsiff is the Labour MP for the Parkfield school constituency and has come out in support of the protesting parents. The underlying trend is a worrying one, with parents from a range of faith traditions fighting inclusive education.

The Green Party’s commitment to inclusive education and combating homophobia is unwavering and stated in their LGBTQA+ manifesto. Benali Hamdache is co-chair of LGBTQA+ Greens; of Muslim background himself and he wholeheartedly supports RSE and inclusivity.

“LGBTIQA+ kids at Parkfield school deserve to be supported in who they are and to learn about their rights. Just as parents have the right to explain their faith and values.” – Benali Hamdache

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