Clarification of our stance over the issue between Peter Tatchell and the NUS

On Tuesday, we supported a Young Green statement, that offered solidarity to the NUS LGBT+ Officer – Fran Cowling, over the ongoing issue between themselves, and Peter Tatchell.

Since then, people have raised queries with us over our stance, some have even said we’re anti-free speech, or we’re anti-Tatchell.

We would like to clarify our position.

We support the Young Greens statement of solidarity with Fran Cowling, because no-one should have to go through the bullying and abuse they have recieved.

We are currently looking into the issues raised by both Fran, and Peter, so that we can get to the bottom of this issue, and find a way forward that is best for all involved, and the LGBTIQA community, however this is an issue between Peter and Fran, and so we will try our best, but we cannot force a resolution.

No-one should be a victim of bullying or abuse, we do not condone this from either side, the bullying of both Fran, and Peter, has to stop.

If anyone has any queries, please contact us at

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