Greens leading the way for trans representation in new report by UNC

The UNC LGBTQ Representation and Rights Research Initiative has released the publication of Standing Out: Transgender and Gender Variant Candidates and Elected Officials around the World by Logan S. Casey and Andrew Reynolds. It’s the first comprehensive analysis of the history of transgender candidates running for office.

It is hoped that this report spurs research into the climate for transgender politicians, their impact once in office and the challenges faced by the transgender and gender variant community in political life. Serious recognition of these issues by academia and public policy will heighten our understanding of how transgender people can, and have, achieved equity and justice.

It is downloadable as a PDF here: and available in hard copy on request from UNC Chapel Hill;

The report mentions Green Party candidates Charlie Kiss and Stella Gardiner; “Greens, Stella Gardiner (Bexleyheath) and Charlie Kiss (Islington South) both increased their share of the party vote. Kiss, the only trans-man in the election, actually increased the vote by 6% which was twice the National average.” It also highlights the fact that the first two trans politicians in Europe are both Greens; Anna Grodzka for Poland and Petra De Sutter for Belgium.

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