LGBTIQA+ Greens Guide to Spring Conference
Workshops: Mon 6th – Thurs 9th March, conference: Sat 11th & Sun 12th March 2023
The Timetable
Formal Conference kicks off on Mon 6th March with Workshops (where the details of motions will be discussed in advance of the plenaries). There will be workshops each evening from 6th-9th March.
Plenaries (debating and voting on the motions in the Final Agenda) will be held over the weekend of 11th and 12th March, with the opening plenary taking place from 11am on the Saturday.
Check out the full timetable for the event.
You can find out more about conference on the members’ site here too.
Conference Meeting:
LGBTIQA+ Greens – join us for a round-up of our work, Q&A and help us with planning our priorities!
Saturday 11th March, starting at 18.15-19.30.
You can join this meeting online via a zoom link too.
Conference Social:
Following our conference meeting, LGBTIQA+ Greens are going to be having a social event in Birmingham’s vibrant gay village area – venue *TBC*!
Saturday 11th March from 8pm.
Hang around after our conference meeting, and we can head over together.
Conference Stall:
Come by our stall in the conference exhibition area and say hello.
Pick up a t-shirt, some badges, stickers and keyrings!

Our Position on Motions
Below we have described motions which we believe to be beneficial and also motions which we believe to be counter to Green values and have explained why. These are listed according to the final agenda, in order with the numbers as they appear in the agenda. Those with a lower number are the most likely to be heard at conference this time around.
The most important workshops we will need a good turnout at are shown.
You can find the full final agenda here on the members’ site.
D Motions
D02 – A toolkit for healing divisions in the Green Party
Workshop: Tuesday, 7 March at 18:30 – 20:00
D08 – Avoid all-men and all-white internal elections
Workshop: Tuesday, 7 March at 18:30 – 20:00
D11 – Ending new HIV Transmissions by 2030 Part 1
Workshop: Thursday, 9 March at 18:30 – 20:00
D15 – Allow multiple women to job-share party leadership
Workshop: Tuesday, 7 March at 18:30 – 20:00
D17 – Amending Standing Orders for Party Discipline (SOPD)
Counter to Green Values
D09 – Stonewall and Disaffiliation from Diversity Champions scheme
Workshop: Tuesday, 7 March at 18:30 – 20:00
D19 – Reduce the size of Green Party Executive (GPEx)
E Motions
E01 – Access to Fertility Treatment
Workshop: Thursday, 9 March at 18:30 – 20:00
E02 – Ending new HIV Transmissions by 2030
Workshop: Thursday, 9 March at 18:30 – 20:00
E06 – New Deal for Carers
Workshop: Monday, 6 March at 18:30 – 20:00
E07 – Solidarity with protestors in Iran
E10 – Transition Benefit
Workshop: Monday, 6 March at 18:30 – 20:00
Counter to Green Values
E09 – Remove ambiguity and improve consistency of text on trans rights
Workshop: Thursday, 9 March at 18:30 – 20:00
Conference Jargon Buster
Conference can feel overwhelming, particularly for new members and first-timers. So here’s a primer on some words or phrases you might hear thrown around, so you can stay in the know!
- ERO: Electoral Returning Officer
- GPEW: Green Party of England and Wales
- GPEx: Green Party Executive
- GPRC: Green Party Regional Council
- PDC: Policy Development Committee. Policy Development Committee is responsible for facilitating the Party’s policy-making process and are elected in an annual ballot of all members.
- SOC: Standing Orders Committee. SOC draws up the Agenda for Conference and advises on the rules of formal debate, they are elected annually at Conference. You will hear them referred to very often at Conference! SOC will be holding a virtual helpdesk between workshops and plenary times where you will be able to speak to them.
- Motion: A formal policy suggestion, discussed, and voted on at Conference.
- A Motions: Reports and Motions required by a previous Conference
- B Motions: Policy voting papers
- C Motions: Accredited policy motions
- D Motions: Organisational motions
- E Motions: Unaccredited policy motions
- F Motions: Draft voting papers
You have two chairs at each session of plenary, one is usually a tech facilitator, and both will alternate. Standing Orders Committee are also present at plenary, as well as the Policy Development Coordinator who can offer guidance at some points.
You have two chairs at each session of plenary, one is usually a tech facilitator, and both will alternate. Standing Orders Committee are also present at plenary, as well as the Policy Development Coordinator who can offer guidance at some points.
- Attunement: Each plenary session starts with a one-minute period of attunement during which all activity stops. This is a time for calm reflection and helps set the tone for a respectful debate.
- Plenary: Plenary sessions are the voting sessions where the formal business of Conference takes place. Items from the Agenda are discussed and voted on in these sessions. The first piece of formal business is always acceptance of the SOC report, as this determines the order of business.
- Quorate: Having the necessary number of people present for decisions to be allowed to be made.
- Voting: Any Party member may vote at Conference, so long as they have registered. Voting will be held on the main Conference platform, and a pop up window will appear when the chair announces the vote. The chair of the plenary session will guide you through how to vote and when as we progress through the debate.
- Workshops: Before a paper or motion is considered in a plenary session, there is a workshop for discussions in small groups. If you have questions about the proposal, or wish to take part in the plenary debate, it is helpful if you attend the workshop, though it is not essential.